Hi, I'm Nitin Lodha.

Self-driven, quick starter, passionate programmer with a curious mind who loves solving a very complex, very challenging real-world problems.


I am a Tech Enthusiast currently working as R&D Engineer in Ericsson, I specialize in a range of programming languages including Java, C++, JavaScript, Python, SQL, and Matlab. My background in Computer Science and Engineering from VIT Vellore has equipped me with a strong foundation in both software development and technological innovation.

I am passionate about leveraging my skills to tackle industry challenges while embracing opportunities for professional development, encountering new experiences, and fostering personal growth. I am committed to staying abreast of the latest industry requirements and trends to contribute effectively in a dynamic work environment.


Core Committee Member
  • Improved an in-production optimization algorithm which reduced the cycle-time of the automation process.
  • Made the official website of the Sigma Xi vit.
  • Tools: Python, JS , React, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
Feb 2019 - June 2020 | Vellore, India
Web Developer
  • Increased the stickiness and the userbase of the website.
  • Made optimized solutions to make the website more user friendly and made user personas.
  • Made the landing page and solved backend issues.
  • Tools: React, MongoDB
June 2021 - September 2021 | India
Research Intern
  • Researched on Indian POI Utterances and dataset expansion.
  • Working on creating a ML model for Indian POI's Auto-NU creation.
  • Compared to various Language Processing models like BERT, T5, the model gave much better performance with much diverse results on utterance generation compared to the existing models.
  • Tools: Jupyter Notebook
October 2021 - May 2022 | India
SDE Intern
  • Worked on an online software called SPLUNK. Splunk is used to analyze various kinds of logs and help creating variety of dashboards and display and filter them base on various filters.
  • Categorised all the ERROR and WARN logs and created a single dashboard to display them with various filters like host, time, number of logs, region and various other filters.
  • Displayed them as graphs and various other visualisation techniques for much better understanding and solving.
  • Tools: Splunk, Python
July 2022 - September 2022 | India
R&D Intern
  • Worked with the charging team solving the 5G challenges and trouble shooting and developing various features.
  • Developed a customised command recommender system for suggestion of various commands in various scenarios.
  • Performing multiple duties which involved developing the product, testing the changes and solving trouble reports.
  • Tools: Java, Python, Flask, ML.
January 2023 - July 2023 | India
R&D Engineer
  • Working with the revenue management team, solving various problems for the 5G telecom.
  • Developed a customised code generation system, that generates code based on the given use case it takes in various scenarios and analyses the pattern given and then generates a code snippet customised to match and test the new functionalities in an automated fashion.
  • Developed a pre-meeting planner, that helps the individuals develop a knowledge base before they join a meet on any product/topic or in any case they join a series of meeting in-between, it will help them get a hands on the previous crux of the meet, improving productivity.
  • Tools: Java, Angular, Python, ML.
July 2023 - Present | India


music streaming app

A github profile search web app based on react

  • Tools: React, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Firebase
  • Register/login to the web app(with OAuth-based Google Sign-In).
  • Search and filter profile based on your project.
  • login and signup page
quiz app
Contact Web-App

A contact web app based on React

  • Tools: React, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap,Firebase
  • Store all your contact applications with firebase security.
  • Access to their locations and email ids to send information.
Screenshot of web app
Hospital DBMS

An online hospital management system using php and js.

  • Tools: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, SQL, JS, mariaDB
  • Users can view and post appointments.
  • Admin and doctors can Add, Delete, Update appointments and check bills etc.
Screenshot of  web app
Traffic sign classification

A traffic sign classification system to give us the precise detection of traffic data.

  • Incorporated Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) for extracting image features and Long Short Term Memory for extracting question embeddings.
  • Tested the model on the German traffic sign dataset, abstract scenes images, and got 75% overall accuracy on the VQA evaluation metric.
Screenshot of  web app
Benchmarking OS

A user and kernel access benchmarking system that gives the pc performance precisely.

  • Used C++ and kernel access and shell scripting and got precise benchmarking results.
Screenshot of  web app
Diabetic Retinopathy Detection

An ML model to detect diabetic retinopathy with frontend.

  • An ML model to detect diabetic retinopathy using the CNN models and inception_v3 model with a model frontend using flask.



Shell Scripting







Research Publications


Vellore Institute of Technology

Vellore, India

Degree: Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering
CGPA: 9.09/10

    Relevant Courseworks:

    • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Database Management Systems
    • Operating Systems
    • Machine Learning
    • Software Development
